ensemble vim presents spark, a new music and art festival borne from ensemble vim’s mission to “Ignite the spark - unite the arts.”

spark believes that the creative process is as important as the final result. Uniting music with other disciplines to foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration, spark elevates the arts both in the Southeast and nationally. This annual festival pairs composers with artists, rotating between the fields of visual art, dance, and spoken word. In its inaugural year (‘24-25), the festival will partner with the Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia (MOCA GA) to pair three composer fellows from across the country with three Atlanta-based visual artists.

Throughout the course of the year, these teams will be given resources to collaborate on an interdisciplinary work, culminating in sparkweek, where they will gather in Atlanta to rehearse with ensemble vim and put the finishing touches on their projects. The festival will culminate in a grand showcase performance of all the works.

spark believes that when artists of varying disciplines come together, the potential for creative expansion and innovation is endless.

there’s no ideal world without dei

ensemble vim believes that art is a basic universal human right, and that representation matters. We encourage people from every race, creed, color, gender, and sexual/gender orientation to apply.

support for spark is generously provided by the antinori foundation.